NEAN 2012 지원 당시 지원자는 두 가지의 영문 에세이를 작성하여 제출해야 했습니다. 하나는 지원 동기를 묻는 에세이였고, 다른 하나는 정치, 비즈니스, 교육, 환경, 법, 이 다섯가지 부문 중에 자기가 지원한 부문에서 제시한 두 가지 주제 중 하나를 선택해서 에세이를 작성하는 것이었습니다. 저의 두 가지 합격 에세이는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 1st Essay: Self Introduction
Please briefly introduce yourself in regards to the 2 key phrases given. (Less than 300 words)
<Your Life, Reasons for Applying for NEAN 2012 >
Blooming to what I really want
I have had a goal to be an administrator who works for government. I thought it would be great if I have the job contributing to governmental administration. Although it seemed admirable, I could not make a commitment to study about it completely. My mind was blank, my passion gradually became bankrupt. I did not know the exact reason of my depression. Finally, I reached a simple answer that it was not my own goal. It was indoctrinated dream reflecting desires of others.
My life was a process of adaptation to many systems which I have faced. I almost always have selected decisions to observe rules of the systems and to meet expectations of others. Although my school days had been successful in general, I had lost opportunity to consider myself and to position my dream specifically while I had followed streams made by systems and standpoints of others.
I recently realized that what I really want is to be a capable individual who has communicative skills beyond a barrier of various languages with my strong ability. I think I have a talent for writing, especially analyzing various text materials, sorting them out and integrating them in writing. In that sense, I apply to NEAN 2012 forum.
Nations consisting of Northeast Asia seems to be related more densely in the future. The forum will provide most cutting edge theories and educations regarding Northeast Asia’s new direction. I am interested in Education session, especially cooperation of education of development at a regional level. Lectures of them will give me priceless educations. Also, communications with other bright delegates from Northeast Asia will raise my cosmopolitan outlook and contribute to understanding each other among different cultures. Accordingly, I am certain this forum will give me exceptional experiences.
2. 2nd Essay: Essay for Session Topics
Write an essay on one of the two suggested topics of the session of your primary preference.(Less than 300 words)
Crossing barriers among nations in Northeast Asia
Obstacles hindering an effective cooperation in Education in Northeast Asia are based on deep-rooted historical disputes which have not been healed throughout. They maintain conflicts and reproduce contemporary controversial issues continuously among the nations in Northeast Asia, especially Korea, China, and Japan at large.There are many current conflicts and most of them are concentrated in territorial problems combined with nationalism.
These discords create antipathy for other nations. They could gradually accumulate distorted images which would be possible to be developed as racism and xenophobia. The problems are related to deep-seated disputes formed over a long period time. It is very hard to get rid of the obstacles in essence, because they go out of bounds of capability of Education as a principal agent to solve them.
Accordingly, I suggest a change of conception be required. It is crossing the barriers, not removing them. Water flows high to low places, so does Education. High standard of Education of a nation obviously will have influence on other countries, and it will gather talented individuals. They raise and maintain the standard to be high. The Education spreads to world again. It is a virtuous circle.
Therefore, each nation should focus on a strengthening of its Education competitiveness in a way to highlight its regional characteristics. It is a glocal strategic. I think Japan shows the right way. For instance, Tokai University provides short term study abroad programs to international students this winter. It gives lectures about risk management and restorative action after the Great East Japan Earthquake.In short, it provides most local and global study reflecting regional attributes.A favor to the high quality Education will contribute to building cooperative systems crossing the barriers at the regional level in Northeast Asia.
작성자 링커리어
신고글 연세 동북아시아 네트워크 포럼 YNEAN Forum"합격에세이 대공개"
- 욕설/비하 발언
- 음란성
- 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
- 개인정보 노출
- 특정인 비방
- 기타
허위 신고의 경우 서비스 이용제한과 같은
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